Friday, November 9, 2007


A good time in my life that i felt out of place would be right now. i mean at the present time that i am writing this. I'm in another class surrounded by students that i dont know ecsept for one that is sitting in the back of the room, that i dont have the most simple past with. im pritty sure she keeps looking at me. this would be considerd in my book as a great time in my life that i felt out of place.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


yes i think that friends absolutely influence ways others act think speak and feel. a way you can notice this is the different groups around in every group the kids have a lot of similarities for example clothes they may wear or catchy slogans they may use. another thing that's very easy to get pulled into if all your friends are doing it is drugs. if the group of kids you hang out with are all doing drugs a lot of there time and conversation revolve around drugs making it much harder to stay away from.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


1 -In the book one of them brings up a good point. there are two types of teenagers in this world ones how were nerds and little social skills who got good grades, and people who goofed off to much to get good grades. they also say that they liked to hang out with a ballanced group of kids. its is simple that rameck was just a little more unbalanced then the others thought.
2-yes he is responsable for his actions it was somthing he did he needs to deal with it his parents did alot to help that kid when they could have let him starve of somthing. he just a teen ager who is getting into truble you commit the crime you do the time buddy. 3 - I think that once a person has devloped the power to dissipher the diffrence between right and wrong. then thay can be acountable for all actions. however i do think that government should get rid of the laws that are present but are not inforced. for example the speed limit everyone always breaks it so rase it or put resricters on peoples cars or somthing. no teeagers need to be acountable for what they do even if it is a speeding ticket.
4 -nate boyer taught me live is to short to wast and if you tuff through even the worst of times you will look back on those moments and know you tryed your hardest. aaron tholey tought me that fame can get to your head, and that wering pants with no boxers is nice somtimes and most importantly not to mess around with airport security.
just opend this and going to make it cool ( ;